sábado, 26 de junio de 2021



Well, it's time to talk about the program. 

What changes we could do?

About the curriculum that I have, I think it's fine. Well, there´re some subjects that I don´t like because it's not my style 😂, but i guess it's necesary for a professional, or, in our case, a dentist.

The workload it's hard, I'm not going to lie, it's really hard, but don't misunderstanding me. We ended a phase and we started another one so i guess it's normal to have new responsabilities, new experiences that are harder than before. At the same time, the length of studies it's a lot too, but it depends on each person.

I think we've progressed so much with online classes, teachers and students have put so much effort on that. Yes, we could change things like interactions or methodology, but we are better than the start. With online classes we had must learned about technology, how we can use it. Lucky for us, the partners that we share are very kind and helpful everytime.

I think it would be a great idea to learn with games, it doesn't matter if we are online or not. With games we learn so much more. It feels like our brains absorb better the information. The people learn much more doing than only listenling, so that would be a great idea.

That would be my opinion this time, thank you for your attetion!

3 comentarios:

  1. Yes!! I completely agree that we should learn with games, it would be much more fun :)

  2. I agree, the workload is too much and online method helped me to organize myself

  3. Hi Romi!! I agree that the workload it's hard I hope it's worth it in the future. And it's a good idea to learn with games



A CALL OF DUTY Well, it's time to talk about the program.  What changes we could do? About the curriculum that I have, I think it's ...